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How many of us have actually stopped to reflect on the blessings Allah Subahanahu wa Ta'ala has given us? The remembrance of Allah is the most precious to Him Azza wa jal and counting the blessings He has granted us is indeed a sign of gratitude towards our Lord.
When we wake up from slumber, thank Him by giving you another day to live, to breathe and to repent.
"Alhamdulillahil lathee ahyana ba'dama amatanaa wa ilayhi nushoor"
[Praise is to Allah Who gives us life after He has caused us to die and to Him is the return]
It is very 'human' for us to whine once in a while, complain about certain things, grumble on petty issues - This is normal if we call ourselves humans. Can we put a stop to this? Is there a solution to pause and delete this displeasing behaviour? The answer is YES
How many of us have actually stopped to reflect on the blessings Allah Subahanahu wa Ta'ala has given us? The remembrance of Allah is the most precious to Him Azza wa jal and counting the blessings He has granted us is indeed a sign of gratitude towards our Lord.
When we wake up from slumber, thank Him by giving you another day to live, to breathe and to repent.
"Alhamdulillahil lathee ahyana ba'dama amatanaa wa ilayhi nushoor"
[Praise is to Allah Who gives us life after He has caused us to die and to Him is the return]
It is very 'human' for us to whine once in a while, complain about certain things, grumble on petty issues - This is normal if we call ourselves humans. Can we put a stop to this? Is there a solution to pause and delete this displeasing behaviour? The answer is YES
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in Surah Ar-Rad, ayah 28 [13:28]
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest"
When you submit yourself entirely to Allah, you will find peace and tranquility in your heart. I, too, used to find faults and flaws in things people don't even see, SubhanAllah this is true. Really petty things and sometimes its just so small and insignificant that its just ridiculous. We are all guilty of this. Post Qur'an and Sunnah, I learned to open my eyes wider to SEE the blessings Allah azza wa jal has granted me - Just like what Dr 'A'id Al-Qarni said in his book "Don't Be Sad".If you are stricken with poverty
others are chained in debt
If you don't have shoes
others have no feet
If you have pain now
others have been aching for years
If your son dies
others have lost many
If you have sinned
then REPENT... [Allah is the Most-Merciful]
The doors of repentance are ever opened! - SUBHANALLAH
We remember the ni'mah of health when sickness strikes. We remember happiness when sorrow befalls upon us. We remember peace at times of calamity.
The secret to being content with life is only with the remembrance of Allah. Know that Allah gives and He takes. If you are healthy and wealthy today, Allah is able to take it from you within seconds tomorrow. If you are sick and poor today, Allah is able to shower you with the opposite within seconds tomorrow. Be conscious of your raab and have Taqwa in everything that you do. It not befitting for a Muslim to whine. When something pleases you happens, say Alhamdulillah. When something displeases you happens, say Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal.
Be reminded that this life is only a test, those who remains steadfast with gain success in the Hereafter. As for those who choose to follow their whims and desires, they will be amongst the losers in the Hereafter. May Allah not make you and I amongst the losers and may He subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us success in the highest degree and make Jannatul-Firdaus our final abode, Ameen ya raabal 'alamin.
[Verily, those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, for them are Gardens of Delight (Paradise). To abide therein. It is a promise of Allah in truth. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise] Surah Luqman, 31:8-9
How many of us have actually stopped to reflect on the blessings Allah Subahanahu wa Ta'ala has given us? The remembrance of Allah is the most precious to Him Azza wa jal and counting the blessings He has granted us is indeed a sign of gratitude towards our Lord.
ReplyDeleteThe first part of the question regards whether a woman releases a fluid during sexual intercourse the same as a man does. We say if the hadîth is authentic, then it is true and it should be accepted. The hadîth you have mentioned is related in Sahîh Muslim and is of undoubted authenticity.
ReplyDeleteThe Prophet (peace be upon him) states in the hadîth that women has a fluid that is thin and yellow.
Allah says about his Prophet (peace be upon him): “Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) desire, it is no less than inspiration sent down to him” [Sûrah al-Najm: 3-4]
This issue was discussed by Dr. Muhammad `Ali al-Bârr in his book Human Creation between Medicine and the Qur’an under the heading “Does the woman release a fluid” (page 149).
He writes:
This had been a matter of disagreement. Sheikh al-Fakhr al-Râzî in his wonderful book, al-Mabâhith al-Mashriqiyyah, mentions that Aristotle denied that women have a fluid. Then Galen, the prominent Greek doctor strongly criticized Aristotle for that and proved that women have a fluid that differs in its nature from the fluid of men. It does not come out as an ejaculation but flows on the member and is a white moisture.
Al-Râzî then mentions that Umm Sulaym came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, Allah does not shy from the truth. Must a woman have a bath if she has has a sexual release while sleeping?”
He replied: “Yes, if she sees the fluid.” [Sahîh Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]
The release of fluid from woman’s vagina is something natural. It takes place during sexual intercourse or while sleeping. It is obligatory for her to have a bath thereafter. During sexual intercourse the woman’s fluid mixes with the man’s.
Dr. al-Bârr continues:
The woman releases two types of fluid. The first is a sticky fluid that flows inside her vagina and has nothing to do with the creation of the fetus. The second is a liquid that is released at a single occasion from the Graafian follicle in the ovary when the follicle is full of a yellow liquid.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The man’s fluid is white and woman’s is yellow.”
Turning our attention to the child resembling one of its parents, this is also confirmed by the prophetic hadîth. The child may sometimes resemble his father, his mother, one of his uncles, his grandparents, or he may closely resemble none of them.
Dr. Muhammad al-Bârr, in the same book (page 164) writes:
In brief, the factors governing the child’s resembling one parent, grandparent, or even coming with new attributes that do not belong to any of his relatives – like what happened at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) when al-Farâzî’s wife gave birth to a black baby while none of their relatives were black – is a very complicated matter. Genetics plays a very complicated role. Some of these genes follow the Mendelian model with respect to dominant and recessive genes and others do not.
Even those genes that submit to such laws might at times not act in accordance with those laws. The gene may or may not be fully expressed.
Modern medicine is still ignorant of many of the determining factors that bring about how much a child will resemble either of its parents. Until now, we do not know the role that may be played by the release of one fluid before the other in how the child will resemble one of his parents. Until and unless this is decisively determined in the future, we have no other choice but to simply believe what our Prophet (peace be upon him) said. He does not say anything except the truth.
In fact, this should encourage medical scholars to investigate these matters and discover new things.
I have given you the answer of Dr. Muhammad al-Bârr, because this is an important issue and I found his answer to be sufficient.
We have to believe in what Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) tell us. We are certain of the fact that Allah says: “Of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you.” [Sûrah al-Isrâ’: 85]
And Allah knows best.