Friday, April 15, 2011

LIFE - الحياة

Our entire life revolves around the blessings of Allah. It is He who provides to the believers as well as the unbelievers. This dunya that we 'worship' is not even a slice of what's eternal and true, Al-Jannah.  

Take a step back and ponder.

What if someone you truly love dies today. What if you were diagnosed with a fatal disease. What if your house got burnt down to the ground. What if your child shows disobedience to you. What if your entire life savings disappeared within seconds. What if the country you live in goes through a catastrophic natural disaster.

These are blessings we truly take for granted.

Allah gives and He takes. Nothing happens without the permission of Allah. Absolutely nothing happens in creation except what He allows to happen.Your worldly possessions can be taken away within seconds with the will of Allah and it can be doubled within seconds with the will of Allah. Should he afflict you with hardship, then those are tests you need to persevere with patience. Be thankful for He has opened the doors of repentance to you.

Should we not fall down and prostrate to our Lord?

Don't look up to the people above you but rather look at the people below you who are less fortunate. Some have no roof over their heads to take shelter from the storm, some barely have enough cloth to cover their aurah while others are left hungry with no food to fill their empty bellies. May Allah protect us from such tests, Ameen.

This life is temporary. This life is nothing but play and vanity. Let's not be a silly ignoramus.

The sweetness of life can be savored with showing obedience to Allah.The Creator of the heavens and the earth promises success to the believers in the Hereafter, the everlasting reward all Muslims desire. The journey towards that path is a bumpy ride but it will all be worth it in the end. Allah never breaks a promise.

 Allah is Al-Mālik-ul-Mulk (مالك الملك), Al-Bāqīy (الباقي), Al-Ḥayy (الحي)

(The Owner of all Sovereignty, The Everlasting, The Living)

Life is futile without Islaam. 

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